Optimizing Conversion Rates for a Chiropractic Center


Chiropractic care is a highly competitive field with numerous practitioners vying for the same patient base. This is particularly true in Kirkland, WA, where there are many chiropractic centers. In order to stand out in such a crowded market, chiropractors must utilize innovative marketing strategies.

One such strategy that has proven to be highly effective is conversational texting. This case study will outline how a chiropractic center in Kirkland, WA can use conversational texting to optimize their conversion rate, resulting in increased business and a greater number of satisfied patients.

Company Information

The chiropractic center in Kirkland, WA is a well-established practice that has been serving the community for over 20 years. Despite their success, they have noticed a decline in the number of new patients they are seeing.

After conducting market research, they have identified a gap in their marketing efforts – specifically, they are not utilizing conversational texting.

Conversational Texting Strategy

The first step in utilizing conversational texting to optimize the chiropractic center's conversion rate is to identify the target audience. Based on their market research, the center has found that their ideal patient is between the ages of 25-45, works a full-time job, and lives within a 20-mile radius of their office.

Once the target audience is identified, the next step is to create messaging content that will resonate with them. The messages should be personalized and empathetic, and should speak directly to the patient's pain points and concerns. Examples of effective messaging content include highlighting the center's experienced and knowledgeable staff, their state-of-the-art equipment, and their convenient location.

Distribution channels are also an important aspect of a successful conversational texting campaign. The center can utilize their existing patient database to send out personalized texts, or they can use social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram to target potential patients.

Goals and Metrics

The goal of the conversational texting campaign is to increase the conversion rate of the chiropractic center by 20%.

Metrics for success include the number of new patient appointments scheduled, the number of appointments kept, and patient satisfaction ratings.


The Chiropractor clinic had been facing communication barriers with patients and other medical professionals. They were forced to make multiple phone calls in a day; playing phone tag and leaving voicemails in order to reach people during business hours. Patients weren’t responding to follow-up calls or waitlist outreach, resulting in higher no-show rates.

They went in search of a better way to reach out to patients that would strengthen doctor-patient interactions but would also be convenient and time efficient for both the patients and the clinic. The Chiropractor center began using Zipwhip in 2014 and since have entirely changed the way they communicate with patients and other medical professionals.


Feedback has been overwhelmingly positive since the chiropractor clinic added Zipwhip’s texting solution to their existing business number. Patients prefer the personal interaction two-way texting provides as well as the convenience of fully interactive appointment reminders. No-show rates dropped significantly after they began texting with Zipwhip.

They are now able to offer an added level of flexibility by allowing patients to easily communicate when changes are needed to appointment times; while at the same time, filling openings quickly with the BCC group texting feature.


At Business Inc Online, we have extensive experience in developing and implementing successful conversational texting campaigns for healthcare providers. By partnering with us, the chiropractic center in Kirkland, WA can increase their conversion rate and grow their business.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your healthcare practice succeed.

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